Message from Sheriff Ron Hain

Welcome to the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, a dynamic correctional and law enforcement agency committed to tending to the diverse needs of our modern community. We hope you find the website useful and comprehensive as we continue to enhance our virtual services. Read More​

KCSO is Hiring. Job postings: Sworn Officers, Civilian Staff. To Join our Dynamic Team, click here! Job and Community Board Community Outreach Programs - A way out, citizens sheriff's academy, explorers, forklift driver certification, k-9 and swat presentations, OSHA, ride alongs, senior citizens, social workers, plus much more. A way out, kane county, il. Are you addicted to heroin, opioids, or other drugs? Do you know someone who is? It's time to get help. Call 224-407-6758 or Text awayout to 847411. Email: Kane county sheriff's office mobile app. Introducion our new app: navigating critical information has never been easier. Scan to Download! Your mistakes don't define you. It's what you do next that counts. Collaborative Diversion - Non arrest referral steps. 1. Behavior that does not require police intervention at this time but had previous interactions with police. Individual needs help due to untreated mental health, substance use issues, lack of resources. They can be referred! 2. Through this type of referral they can get help with a case manager for food, identifcation issues, resources or just support. 3. Do they agree to participate? 4. Have them complete the form with this QR code. Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 A case manager can meet you in the field during these hours for a warm handoff. 224-239-5303 Your mistakes don't define you. It's what you do next that counts. Collaborative Diversion - Arrest referral steps. 1. Qualifying offense of CTTL, UPCS, nonviolent low level offense. 2. Request approval from on-call Sgt or assigned liason for Diversion. 3. Does the individual agree to participate? 4. Have them complete the form with this QR code. 5. File report but do not book them. 6. Feel free to follow up with an email to or Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 A case manager can meet you in the field during these hours for a warm handoff. 224-239-5303 Kane county sheriff's office invites you to join our cadets and explorers programs. Providing individuals between 14 and 20 firsthand experience in law enforcement. Apply online today!

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