Public Safety/Patrol Division

Amy Johnson, Undersheriff
630-208-2039 Office
Patrol – Sheriff's deputies are committed to the safety of all Kane County citizens. They patrol a diverse land area of 522 square miles on a daily basis that comprises thirty municipalities. Deputies respond to calls located in the county's urban corridor nestled along the Fox River, as well as the rural agricultural area along the western portion of the county. They take pride in protecting the county's 515,269 citizens (2010 Census Bureau). The public safety team is inspired to make Kane County a great place to live, work, and raise your family.
Alarm Permit System and Registration
The Kane County Sheriff's Office has been responding to a growing number of false alarms over a number of years. Between the years of 2013 and 2015, officers responded to approximately 3,900 burglar alarms.
Our office wishes to work together with community-minded people in order to achieve a higher number of registered alarm users, which helps to reduce response times and provides the officer with valuable information upon arrival. The Sheriff's Office program plan is to reduce the total number of false alarms, save time spent responding to unwarranted calls, and create a positive impact on police productivity. The 2016 Alarm System Ordinance was recently updated and passed by the Kane County Board. The purpose of the restated Ordinance is to bring the policy into compliance with current technology standards and costs. The Kane County Alarm System Ordinance can be located
here in its entirety.
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Bomb Unit – The Bomb Unit supports various local and federal agencies dealing with explosives detection and recovery, explosive disruption, and hazardous devices. Members of the Bomb Unit complete eight weeks of specialized training at the United States Army's Hazardous Devices School in Reston Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, as well as taking educational courses for recertification as required by law.
Business Directory – The Sheriff's Office coordinates with local businesses and business owners to provide crime prevention strategies and non-business hour patrols. Our goal is to promote economic prosperity to owners by providing loss prevention protection. To register for this program select the Business Directory Form.
Business Directory Form
Child ID Program – Take part in a Kane County Sheriff's Office sponsored Child ID Program. The card contains your child's name (date of birth, gender, height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.), and a fingerprint image of both index fingers. The card can be made in less than a minute and can be easily carried with the child or parent. Storage of the information is voluntary and requires the consent of a parent or legal guardian. To learn of upcoming events, sign up on
Facebook or register through the Child ID Program Form.
Child ID Program Form
Child Safety Seat Inspection Program – The Public Safety team is committed to preventing injuries from children being improperly secured in child safety seats. Take time to participate in a child safety seat event in your community or coordinate with the Sheriff's Office to have a certified deputy attend a non-profit event or school function for the purpose of Child Safety Seat Inspections. You will learn the correct method for installing a child safety seat, have your seat checked for a recall and, get your questions answered regarding safety issues. Like us on
Facebook to learn about an upcoming event where Child Safety Seat Inspections are being conducted or complete the Child Safety Seat Inspection Form.
Child Safety Seat Inspection Form
K-9 Unit – The K-9 unit has demonstrated their commitment to the safety of Kane County residents for more than forty years. K-9 Deputies and their dogs are trained in special areas such as, narcotics detection, bomb detection, as well as tracking and apprehending suspects. In addition, the deputies and their technically trained dogs are sought after to participate in community events to raise awareness about their use and effectiveness. Follow us on
Facebook to learn more about the K-9 handlers and their dogs.
Request for K-9 Presentation Form
Neighborhood Watch – It takes an entire community to foster safe streets and keep our children protected from harm. The Neighborhood Watch Program unites citizens and local law enforcement together in keeping tabs on criminal activity. This program connects citizens with an existing neighborhood watch program or helps individuals start a new program in their community. We look forward to providing you and your community with the insight and technical direction needed to maintain safe streets and neighborhoods throughout Kane County. Request assistance by registering through the Neighborhood Watch Form and take the first steps to keep your community safe.
Neighborhood Watch Form
Residential/Vacation Check – The Kane County Sheriff's Office conducts periodic security checks to residential property owners who have submitted the appropriate waivers. If you plan on being away from your residence for more than forty-eight (48) hours and no one is staying on the property, signing up for a Residential/Vacation Check is encouraged. The Sheriff's Office does not assume liability for criminal activity to your property during your absence.
Residential/Vacation Check Form
Request Form for
Special Detail - The Kane County Sheriff's Office recognizes the need for safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow throughout the entire county. Additionally, the Sheriff's Office recognizes that at sporting and special events, and other times, deputies may be required to provide crowd control and security. In order to address these needs, the Sheriff's Office needs to schedule the deputies' duty in advance of events to ensure adequate coverage for the safety of all participants. While on detail, deputies have the primary responsibility of enforcing laws, enforcing the rules and regulations of the Sheriff's Office, and providing for the overall safety of the all citizens visiting and living in Kane County.
A Detail Officer(s) may be required by the Kane County Sheriff's Office and the County of Kane when a Permit has been issued (County Code 14-3) under some of the following circumstances. - Functions within Kane County with an anticipated crowd of 100 participants or more.
- Functions within Kane County where alcohol is served with an expected participation of more than 100 attendees.
Request Form for Special Detail
Ride-Along Program - The Kane County Sheriff's Office is an active participant in the Ride-Along Program. Citizens of Kane County can be an official passenger in a patrol vehicle. The program is designed for enrollees in an accredited criminal justice program, current Citizens Police Academy students, interns of the Kane County Sheriff's Office, or individuals on the Kane County Sheriff's Office sworn hiring list to accompany a Sheriff's Deputy during part of a normal tour of duty. The primary purpose of the Ride-Along Program is to provide an opportunity for these community members, who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, to see first-hand the day-to-day workings of law enforcement throughout Kane County. The Ride-Along guest receives important insight into what it means to be a police officer. Criminal Justice students and students enrolled in the Citizens Police Academy have found this program particularly useful. The Ride-Along Program fosters a better understanding of the challenges, risks, and rewards of being a public safety officer. The Ride-Along Program is also an opportunity for Sheriff's Deputies to get to know their fellow citizens. Ride-Along Program participants are subject to a background check. If you are interested in scheduling a Ride-Along, please complete the following form.
Ride-Along Program Form
Too Good for Drugs – The Kane County Sheriff's Office is committed to keeping children safe and reducing drug use throughout the county. We are proud to partner with the Too Good for Drugs Program, an evidence based prevention program taught in schools throughout the country. The concept is designed on skill development starting in elementary school and is academically aligned to reduce the risk factors through high school.
Welfare Check/Premise Alert – The Illinois Premise Alert Program (Program Act 96-0788) allows for individuals with special needs or disabilities to provide information to public safety agencies to be utilized as guidance for first responders when they are performing their duties. The information provided is kept confidential. Participants in the program do not receive special treatment. Participants must update their information every two years. The Kane County Sheriff's Office will not be held liable for duties relating to the reporting of the person with special needs or disabilities.
Premise Alert Form